
How to Customize Android Share Menu Information

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This one tutorial it's about customizing the Android sharing menu. Lately I updated this tutorial and I can try my best to make you just understand this information. I hope you like this weblog , How to Customize Android's Share Menu . If your answer is correct after studying the article, please share this text with your family and friends to help us.

Test how to customize the Android sharing menu

The stock sheet is the best and worst thing to happen to Android. In principle, it's a powerful built-in feature that lets you share content from one app to another and makes it easy to send photos, information, movies, and links to your most valuable contacts with just two or three taps. The fact, however, is far from being the best. The contacts recommended in the main “direct sharing” line are almost never people you talk to regularly, and many apps (including Google apps!) have started implementing their own custom share sheets that prevent memory building. muscle.

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Sharing on Android has improved in recent times, but has been removed from best. Before Android 10, importing the system share sheet was an annoying task. This resulted in apps randomly switching locations and a great gradual loading experience. One facet that can be very annoying is that the order of applications in this Android sharing menu will not always be correct. Fortunately, in newer versions of Android, we will customize this menu to simply configure the order we want.

Learn how to customize the Android sharing menu

To share

  • Initially, get Andmade Share on your Android smartphone . You can get the download hyperlink here.
  • Once downloaded, open the app and tap 'Configure'. Wait for the application to be installed on your smartphone.
  • Once you put it in, try to share something. You will now be asked to choose whether or not you want to keep the default shared menu or app template. Just choose the application option to proceed. Now the Andmade sharing menu will present random apps whenever you tap the share button, it is essential to tap the 'Settings' icon to edit the sharing menu.
  • Now launch the Andmade app on Android and tap on 'Hidden apps'. It would record all apps placed on your Android smartphone. You must choose the apps you want to disguise from the Share menu.
  • With Andmade Share you can also change the appearance of your Android's sharing menu. You will be able to choose between a dark or soft theme.

Last Notes: How to Customize Android's Share Menu

I hope you understand this text, How to Customize Android's Share Menu . If your answer is none, you can ask something via the contact discussion forum part associated with this text. And if your answer is correct, share this text with your family and friends to offer us your help.

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